Welcome to Fighting Tinnitus

After talking about taking the leap on and off for more than a decade, I finally found myself with a permanent Boston address this summer. And what better way to get re-acquainted with my new home than by exploring the city’s music scene?

I spent quite a bit of time here during college in the late ’90s, logging many hours on the road from Connecticut to visit friends and see shows at the Paradise, Roxy, Avalon, House of Blues and Middle East. Most of those rooms have new names – or new layouts, or new locations altogether – so I’ve clearly got some catching up to do.

Fighting Tinnitus will feature much of the same sort of content I generated at various outlets in Connecticut over the years, from the UConn Daily Campus to Metromix.com to the Hartford Courant. Expect to see interviews, concert reviews and photo galleries of my favorite artists – some of which you’ll surely be familiar with, others not so much.

Launching this site comes at a time when I’m also establishing my own graphic/web design and Internet marketing firm here in the city, so in the coming months it will be very much a work in progress. Rest assured, the bare-bones design you see here won’t be around for long, but we’ll be steadily building up a solid library of content along the way.

Feel free to get in touch through the comments area of the site, or email me at listen@fightingtinnitus.com. You can also follow along on Twitter or Facebook, where I’ll be sharing quick-hit news items and cool links on a more regular basis. Happy listening…

– Brian -

About brian

Brian is a freelance music writer and photographer based in Boston who works full-time as a business-to-business marketing communications specialist and graphic/web designer. He provides all the content for Fighting Tinnitus. You can view his concert photography portfolio at www.lifeinhighiso.com.
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